All the functionality to operate any auto body shop business efficiently.
FlexiQuote has the ability to generate invoices, job cards, purchase orders and credit returns direct to parts suppliers with ease.
Other features include:
photo application
Take photos from your phone and upload directly into the estimate with a tap of your finger. Save hours of time that was usually spent manually adding each and every photo.
SMS Notifications
Deliver timely notifications about appointments or vehicle progress or and keep customers up to date. Create and edit templates with ease and add fields to save time typing.
Accounting module
FlexiQuote offers an integrated solution to the management of accounts. Each accounting feature provides simple units with the necessary
tools to complete the job right, first time.
book in module
Keep on track of all your work with the handy book in function. Create reports for the day or week so you can manage your time more effectively and be more productive in your workshop.